Covid-19 Protocols
Kabayan Hall prioritize your safety first. We are following the state guidelines to protect you and our members (
Our Covid-19 policy:
Upon entry, we require all clients to wear mask (excluding children under 2 years old and those with a medical condition or mental health condition) ​
All clients must maintain proper social distance
Limited capacity per events/activities based on the state guidelines
Event hosts are responsible to keep track of all their guests
Person who is sick, has fever, cough, or showing flu symptoms are urged to stay home
We advise the elderly and others at high risk for COVID-19 to stay home
Here are the steps we are taking to keep your safety:​​
Hand sanitizer will be available at the hall
Chairs and tables will be 6ft apart
We clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects
Staff will wear mask during meetings, events, and activities
Staff will maintain physicals distance from the customers
Staff practices good hygiene by washing their hands thoroughly
For more info, please contact us via:
Phone: (808) 726-7192
Updated September 15, 2021